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Half Moon Bay

Half Moon Bay

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Half Moon Bay is situated on the San Francisco Peninsula, 45 minutes south of San Francisco 在一号公路上,但也可能在地球的另一边. 小牛队拥有举世闻名的巨浪, Half Moon Bay 一个安静的海滨小镇与海洋有着紧密的联系——是一个沿着海滩散步或在当地海鲜店吃晚餐的完美地方吗.

Things to Do in Half Moon Bay

你一定会想要尽可能多地呆在太平洋边, and several miles of the border-to-border California Coastal Trail run through Half Moon Bay. 其中一段特别漂亮,从白杨树海滩开始,沿着海岸在海浪上延伸. Just north of town at Moss Beach, the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve 这里是观赏斑海豹和探索潮池的好地方吗?在嶙峋的岩石中寻找紫色海胆和海星.

至于小牛队——半月湾以世界闻名的休息点——只有最熟练的冲浪者才应该考虑处理能达到50英尺或更高高度的具有挑战性的海浪. 但你可以在这里体验一下当地的冲浪场景(还可以挑件很酷的连帽衫给你的内陆朋友留下深刻印象) Mavericks Surf Company, owned by Jeff Clark, a big-wave legend. For something a little more sedate, the company’s Mavericks PaddleSports 提供站立式桨板租赁和在支柱点港的平坦水域上的课程. 

如果你喜欢呆在干燥的陆地上,带着孩子, visit the farm-themed amusement park Lemos Farm for family-friendly fun. 骑小马、坐干草车、坐火车和去宠物动物园都在这里的活动清单上 goat yoga对于那些喜欢和毛茸茸的朋友一起追求健康的人来说. Though open year-round, October is a particularly good time to visit, with celebrations that feature live music, Halloween-themed festivities, and lots and lots of pumpkins. 虽然在instagram上要和可爱的山羊竞争很难, 附近的另一个农业旅游活动就是这样. Get lost in a sea of vivid amber at the Andreotti Family Farm’s U-Pick Sunflower Field and Pumpkin Patch,在9月和10月期间欢迎游客. It’s recommended to make reservations online ahead of time.

Where to Eat and Drink in Half Moon Bay

The dining here is steeped in tradition: Sam’s Chowder House 以龙虾卷三明治和奇比诺而闻名, 从这里可以俯瞰港口和支柱点. 外面的霓虹灯鱼的标志和悬挂在天花板上的网,时髦 Barbara’s Fishtrap 坐落在港口边,自1971年以来一直吸引着大批游客, 部分原因是加州最好的炸鱼薯条. 半月湾历史悠久的主街(Main Street)上也有很棒的美食(和购物): Pasta Moon 来自当地农场和渔民的意大利面, which features day-boat sea scallops, clams, and mussels. If your thoughts run more toward imbibing, Half Moon Bay Brewing Company 自2000年以来,一直为社区提供当地手工酿造的啤酒,并有两家酿酒厂-Jettywave Distillery and Half Moon Bay Distillery这两家公司都是女性所有,它们的小批量烈酒系列一直受到赞誉. Half Moon Bay Distillery offers private in-store tastings; Jettywave’s pet-friendly garden, The Swell Lounge, serves up cocktails as well as food.

Where to Stay in Half Moon Bay

半月湾的几个突出的住宿选择包括 Inn at Mavericks, a dog-friendly inn overlooking the Pacific, within walking distance to restaurants, shopping, and the ocean. 如果你在探索了一天的海岸后想要一些超豪华的享受, The Ritz-Carlton, Half Moon Bay commands a bluff overlooking the ocean. 它的水疗中心以该地区的自然环境为灵感,是恢复活力的理想场所.


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